Letter to adolescents

16.3.24, Genève 

Hey there,

So, you might have heard about this thing called art therapy, and maybe someone—like your parents or a teacher—has mentioned it to you. I get it, talking about feelings and stuff like that can sometimes feel a bit... well, not exactly what you're into. But hear me out for a sec ...I have been a teenager myself some 30 years ago and I can feel you...

See, art therapy isn't like your typical therapy sessions where you sit and talk about your feelings for an hour. Nope, it's a bit different than that. It's all about getting creative and expressing yourself through art. Think of it as a chance to chill out, have some fun, and maybe learn a thing or two about yourself.

Also keep in mind, in art therapy, there's no right or wrong way to do things. Seriously. You can draw, write, paint, sculpt—whatever you feel like doing. And the most important of all you don't have to talk, if you don't want to!

Through drawing and creating, you might discover new things about yourself and how you see the world and others, or how others see you. It's a chance to learn and grow, all while having a blast.

So, why not give art therapy a shot? Just come check it out, see what it's all about, and decide if it's something you wanna keep doing. Who knows, you might just surprise yourself and have a nice time in the process.

Hope to see you soon!

Vicky Tsiaousi, Art Therapist